About Us
We Work Hard To Provide You The Best Quality Plants And Succulents
We grow specially selected grass species to ensure that we can meet all of these important points. And we harvest our grass at the optimum moment to ensure we create hay fit for your pet, year in, year out.
To encourage the best daily intake of food and the best welfare for your pet, the hay should look green, smell fragrant, be clean from harmful spores and be hard enough to wear the teeth by just the right amount.
We make Premium barn-dried hay!
Hay is traditionally made and baled in the field. The grass is mown and then spread around the field to dry out (a process called “tedding”). It is turned and dried until it reaches the magic 12% moisture content; the intrinsic moisture that will stay inside the hay after it is baled in the field. Once the hay is cut, the farmer is at the merchy of the weather!
Barn drying hay means we have more control! When we see a break in the weather, we can mow our hay and ted it, ready for loose collection just 24 hours after mowing. This quicker process means we don’t need a big window of opportunity as our hay is coming inside to dry in a controlled environment.
The traditional process can take between four and six days, depending on the weather. And if it rains during the process, the moisture content is higher and sugars leach from the hay creating a dusty, brown hay.
Our barn allows the hay to dry in around 48-72 hours. Drying hay indoors means it is free from mould spores and keeps it fresh & green!
Our process is Different
We mow the hay and ted it just like the traditional method. But instead of baling it in the field (open to the elements), we collect it loose within 24 hours of being cut and take it to our specially designed barn to finish the process under controlled, weather-proof conditions.
Here it is much easier to achieve the magic 12% moisture content consistently.
The hay you receive is green, fragrant, nutritious, balanced in minerals, and free of harmful spores and dust.
The perfect grass for your pets, year in – year out!

Whether it is exploring new seed options or implementing regenerative farming practices into our processes, We believes that progress only happens with calculated risk and innovative thinking. Here are some of our projects. Regenerative farming goes beyond traditional practices by aiming to restore and enhance the health of our land. By prioritizing soil health, biodiversity, and water conservation, regenerative farming fosters sustainable agricultural systems that replenish resources for future generations. Our CEO, Parker Wilson currently through his ranching operations is cultivating a thriving ecosystem, preserving natural resources, and providing nutritious hay for a healthier planet.
We look forward to incorporating these techniques into our commercial hay production practices in the future.